Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hello Church!

I am so proud to be your Pastor! I think that TLCC is made up of some of the most loving, gifted, sacrificial and enthusiastic people I know. I also think that we have some very creative people in our chairs every Sunday.

the Big Idea team wants to hear your ideas and thoughts. give us your feedback on things.

The upcoming series is The Church has Left the Building!

this week: What is in it for me?
October 28th: The Great "Go" Mission!
Nov. 4: The time is NOW!
Nov. 11: Transformed by love.

What do you think of when you see these titles?
Are you inviting your friends, neighbors and co-workers?

Thank you for treating Mark Moore so kindly. I told you he was good! He and his wife Barbara enjoyed their visit. You blessed them with your hospitality. Thank you!

I thank God evyday that I get to be the Lead Minister of TLCC at this very time in this very place. Oh, what fun!

David Patrick

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