Thursday, August 7, 2008

everyone is a missionary!

So, the other day I read this statistic that if the world was a village of 100 people, 67 of them would not know Jesus.
Do the math. 33 people know Jesus. 67 don't. why? What are the 33 doing with the GOOD NEWS? Could they be doing more?
I want to make a difference in my "village" that I live in. I know that you do too. Oh, how the number of 67 could dramatically change if the 33 were burdened, motivated, and convicted to be the missionaries that God has called us to be.
Let's win our village to Jesus!
In the fall of 08 we are going to be speaking about missions around the number "67". Put your creative hats on a think with the team as we come up with ideas that center around this incredible number.
What could you do with 67 dimes?
Send out 67 postcards?

we would love to use one of your creative ideas!


1 comment:

Kenna Sue said...

Perhaps leave 67 witness (business) cards at various restaurants? Or at stores or other places of business where a lot of people might see them. In the waiting areas of doctors' offices and hospitals. Hair salons. Something that has information on it that would really pique a person's interest to the point they have to come check things out for themselves.